January 11th 2024 brings to "bloom" our first New Moon of the year .
Capricorn ♑️ is the 10th / Earth 🌎/ Yin element sign of our traditional zodiac.
The 3 Earth signs are :
Taurus ♉️ Virgo ♍️ & Capricorn ♑️.
All 3 signs gift our Starry map with practicality..business & financial acumen, & the zones / houses where we have these Earth signs as opening doors DO bless us in being able to navigate this lifetimes challenges!

This year of 2024..
We have a Capricorn ♑️ Lunation opening our New Year..January 11th; and our year will close out with a second New Moon 🌚 highlighting Capricorns ♑️ specific gifts!
So..in my view; 2024 brings forth radical choices ..stoic disciplined choices to eradicate procrastination in our emotional psychological toxicity zones!
You will have to DEAL WITH what's NOT WORKING in your personal life choices!
Where your own fears of changing intimate dynamics are being blocked by fear..excess emotional neediness..concern over breaking away from a person or job due to financial insecurities.
Capricorn is governed by karma teacher -Saturn; so it's ultimately our OWN deep level fear that keeps us trapped..afraid of any change!
2024 WILL change that destructive mode in your personal situations !
Everyone involved either levels up to do the healing work ..or ..it blows apart!
Either that job..that partnership..that home life / family area of strife & hurt to multiple parties that are indeed affected by it all!
Oh the toxic DRAMA CIRCUS !
That incessant "talking about it all" over & over ad nauseum!
Shut up all your desperate discussions to friends & relatives..DO SOMETHING about your long term unhappiness!
Or..is it YOU ..STUCK in destructive emotional victim roles that get YOU sympathy & attention !!!??
Ask WHY YOU tolerate toxicity over & again , or WHY YOU are the addictedparty in the relationship !!??
People that truly care about you..those support systems around you are getting exhausted with your avoidance to actually shift the story!
Look at how your former hurts..your childhood frustrations..home life dramas got embedded into you.
Therapy..healing modalities..deeper spiritual clearing & psychological cleansing is now your best pathway .
The Capricorn planets in January involve a 90 degree tension square off to the Lunar Nodes in Aries ♈️/
Libra ♎️ ..this is our theme pulsation of " Give or Take" in private affairs!
Aries is self care ..ego work..
Anger management..
Libra ♎️ is our quest to relate better as a team effort..how love brightens us up!
Mars ..Venus joined in Capricorn ♑️ makes it very up close & personal !
Time to discuss your priorities in partnership..
See the movie "The Starling" with actress Melissa McCarthy ( a Virgo)
The angst created between the couple by a harsh life loss..the road back to intimate wellness ..how both partners had shut down in very different ways; is a great visual landscape to help one see psychologically!
Hint :
It ends very well!!
I'll be live on my monthly #CosmicConditions New Moon 🌚 podcast ..this January 11th..
Listen in for free here:
Click on the "Listen live" feature at 10pm Eastern/ 7pm PST
January 11th!
Here's a toast to all of our successful personal healing !
It's now past due !!!
So..let's get busy..
Mystic Mary
