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Cosmic Conditions April 2016

Writer's picture: Rev. psychicRev. psychic

April 2016 Supermoon #2 in Aries 6-7th

Blessings upon your Springtime if you reside in the Northern Hemisphere!

To my Southern Hemisphere clients across the big pond, welcome Autumn delights!

April of 2016 features an intensity of FIRE SIGN impetus activating bold changes within our personal CELESTIAL CHART MAPS!

In your {signature} birth chart it is the houses (areas) that hold the 3 fire signs of ARIES/ LEO/ SAGITTARIUS that represent specifically how & where your life theater is going to be busy with these fated changes!

Those of you savvy enough to know these Aries / Sagittarius realms will have an advantage through April 21-22 to seize valuable opportunities!

If your sun sign or rising sign is in Aries or Libra -your most intimate regions psychologically are under scrutiny, which will require your full attention in order to direct needed alterations.

The most significant themes of this months celestial brew involves each of us needing to clear out or resolve long standing quagmires emotionally-the old drama / game playing simply has become too much of a stronghold emotionally & costly financially as well!

Celestial fire signs from the 5th until the 10th stimulate your courage to seize a better moment, get out and away from unfair disrespectful treatments!

New Portals open! Gates beckon!

As a Visionary / Astrologer of decades I assure you all that April of 2016 IS the time to boldly reach forth for that golden opportunity, summon your best skill acumen & get the word out!

Showcase new ideas, break old modes of operation, seek fresher talent / inventive brilliance in the vast marketplace of ideas!

Combine the knowledge and education you already have experienced with an original -yes risk taking style of action!


April 4th- Venus ( social director / intimate pleasures) enters sign ARIES..

we want flirtatious activity, humor in our daily travels or meetings!

April 5th- Mercury ( How we choose to say what we need to say) enters practical Taurus.

Finally after the last crazy weird 4 week time period we can focus & plan effectively.

The 6-9th is intense-signs Aries / Cancer /Capricorn / Libra must stick to some holistic guidelines or risk having a mood meltdown!

From the 10th until April 15th a GRAND TRINE in EARTH signs blooms- This is excellence in our material realms; ask for what you want.

If you are an Earth Sign { TAURUS / VIRGO / CAPRICORN} be prepared to strut your skills.

The most intense week of April is as our Springtime WESAK / Buddha Full Moon Festival

occurs in SCORPIO during the 20-23rd; TAURUS /LEO /AQUARIUS/ & SCORPIO manifest heart felt desires that they have been "sensing" on the horizon since 2012!

On the 17-20th as Pluto in Capricorn ( Major awakenings) challenges Aries in a "war of wills"- major resolutions must transpire.

April 17th -MARS ( Action /anger/ willpower) turns retrograde in Sagittarius, for the next few weeks we all need to look back to late February / first week in March for tension themes or where we chose to say "FAREWELL" so that we could stay diligent on our new journey of self awakening; something of your past could attempt to once again ensnare you emotionally!

Truly, once you "see through" a negative agenda or deception persona...there needs to be a definite cut off!

Break those deleterious ties that bind your own psychological well being!

Oh..the tangled WEBS we weave!

Mercury also turns retrograde on April 28th in Earth sign Taurus- remind those who want you to work for them just what equitable / fair treatment involves!

It becomes all about your financial / personal material world goals at the end of April.

"Show me the money!"

Sweeten the deal - Because I can show YOU how & WHY I am well worth it!

ARIES- Get out there & sound your personal trumpets of professionalism!

Leave your ego attitude or sarcasm at the trash can!

TAURUS- April IS your month to care take your overall health, & I mean spirit/ mental and physical all together.

You need nurturing. "Holistically!"

GEMINI- This is a season to stop spinning in place-quit talking so much & take definitive actions toward promoting what you keep claiming you want!

Partnership areas could need attention.

CANCER- Your propensity to "HOLD ON" too tightly to past persons or deals can cost you plenty!

If they have failed you, get them away from your core life areas!

Energy thieves are stealing your energy & possibilities of advancement now.

LEO- April has you concentrating on self improvement protocols, you need to become more focused on that goal or project as it is draining your mental processes.

Domestic or family members have a challenge or secret to share.

VIRGO- Time for unpacking clutter from storage & clearing out excess materialism.

you need to refine your target goals, ask yourself this-"what do I now want to build in my life?" What needs to go away.

LIBRA- New stimulating social arrangements arise, but it is NOT your time to be featured as the star on life's stage, rather you are the behind the scenes type of production manager.

Focus on the overall outcome, not just the present actors in your life theater.

SCORPIO- The FULL MOON is spotlighting you!

Oh the magic possible if you realize that NOW is your time to shine brightly!

Destiny has spoken to you about many sojourn potentials intimately, the time to select happens before May 1st 2016.

SAGITTARIUS- Seeds of change!!!

What started as personal character building whispers internally back in November of last year now blast forth needed alterations, there are about to be eliminations of certain people or relationships from your private lives.

CAPRICORN-"Resistance brings persistence!"

Stop fighting what you KNOW must be faced, confronted head on!

Cease just "waiting" or even procrastinating -hoping others pick up on your needs; do your total best..NO SLACKING OFF & fate smiles big!

AQUARIUS- Total life evolvement's are now here!

There IS NO more looking or going frontiers have been shown to you...


It requires a whole new platform of bold breakout participation / dedication on your part!

PISCES- OFF with the old- the familiar...A brand new residential or professional ( or both) must occur or you are doomed to doldrums / stagnating results.

SEEK & explore those new doors!

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ATTENTION Star Gazers!!

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Astrologer Mary Dusina

Cosmic Cowgirl

Star Shaman

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