This recent ECLIPSE of The MOON "bloom" that lit up both our skies & our souls...represents each of us ..EACH ONE of REVISIT...REVIEW. ..& RESTORE...
Our innermost soul..our inner child self!
Capricorn is our ANCESTRAL LINE!
Ever heard the term "Generational curses?"
Well...there also can be viable GENERATIONAL healing..bestowed breaking of those former chains subconsciously!
Time NOW...
JULY INTO deep clean any secret..private .."Soul weeping!!"

Organic Energie Work" 24 juli · Wounded healers who survive their challenging trials and Dark Night can acquire healing abilities to repair the human spirit. Their special expertise is the result of developing their intuition for survival - a skill that can not easily be taught in a classroom. A wounded healer may or may not have education in mind and body healing, but if they do, they can expand and highlight their healing skills in both Western healing practices and alternative medicine. Wounded healers can also guide others and show them the way back from the emotional Worlds of depression, dark thoughts and hopeless despair.Healers serve others by repairing the body, mind or spirit. They are gifted in their ability to help people to convert physical or emotional pain in a healing process. Most Western healers specialize in a specific healing modality, although it is increasingly common to find healers trained in both western style and alternative healing methods to help patients to integrate and then use a body-mind-spirit approach to health.The Psyche Mortal WoundWounded healers often experience profound emotional and mental wounds in their early childhood and adolescence, or through any kind of terrible trauma. This psyche wound can be fatal if not eventually healed and result in a premature death. Sometimes psyche wounds manifests itself in a physical injury or illness where emotional and mental well-being is so deep conflict and instability that a person's thought patterns resulting in self-destructive behavior.One of the unique characteristics of the psyche fatal wounds, it can only be healed by the symbolic death of ego self. Another characteristic of this mortal wound is the wounded healer sometime realizes she has a conscious choice to heal the wound at any time to live. Even during what can be a long, slow decent into emotional Worlds of dark thoughts, depression and hopelessness despair.Soul Retrieval - Calling the Spirit back and discover the authentic Self The most self-destructive and critical period in the life of a wounded healer is often called " Dark night of the soul ". Or it is called "hitting bottom" with the 12-step program recovery. This period can last days, months or many years.It is the dark night of the wounded healer has reached a crisis of faith in themselves and others. This is when the fragile belief structures collapse resulting in great internal conflict and confusion. This critical period is when every decision can lead to tragic consequences. It is often during these times of deep suffering when friends and relatives of the wounded healers feel helpless to stop the downward spiral of self-destruction and they constantly worry about their loved ones well being.Some Shamans referred to people with deadly psychic wounds of lost souls .They understood that the human spirit was immortal and the only way to bring back the loss of vital force would have lost souls send out its own guardian spirit or power animal to retrieve the lost soul. Tribal elders knew that to get the living dead back to life was to ritualize the process of having them call his spirit back to their body.Western trained healers would understand the psyche fatal wounds as an emotional and mental crime than what the human mind can cognitively first. They would describe the symptoms as any form of physical or mental illness or disorder. To treat the symptoms, they often prescribe anti-depressants which can sometimes prolong the suffering and increase drug tolerance for even more mental and physical complications. The Western healing practices may have good intentions, but often miss the third and most important component of a mind-body-spirit solution - spirit.What western healers can realize is that successful treatment results in a psychological death is not a natural death, and what happens needed is a more integrated approach to both Western and alternative healing methods that include body, mind and spirit. This is why the 12 step recovery programs are often successful when other Western healing solutions failed.The only way for wounded healers to be good is to pick up the shattered pieces of their mind, body and soul. Of course, we never really lose our spirit or soul, but to "make our spirits back" is an important and symbolic way of describing returned from Dark Night - the emotional Worlds of lost souls and the living dead.The ultimate solution - Ego Death and Finding GodParadoxically dark night is also a time of tremendous grace since the deep suffering of the wounded healer offers the opportunity to realize anytime they do not have control over everything in their lives. To heal, is the wounded healer to stop "playing God" and turn his life into the hands of a higher authority.By choose to surrender ego self to a higher authority in the name of the divine, the ritual "retrieve the soul" or "call a spirit back "a symbolic ego death can occur and physical death of the body is avoided.The cause mental death can feel like a real death is due to the amount of the terror involved in not knowing what happens after a wounded healer stop trying control everything. Unfortunately, wounded healers often unconsciously or consciously choose to end their lives because dieing often means to stop the pain and suffering.The Serenity prayer from Alcoholics Anonymous is the opening prayer in the recovery group meetings and is a very useful tool for wounded healers to use the drop and begin the healing process . "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. Amen" .Also help is the first, second and third step in a 12-step recovery program that is: 1. we admitted we were powerless over (fill in the blank) and that our lives had become unmanageable.2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.3. We decided to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.However wounded healer finally finds a higher authority (God, Divine, God, Goddess, Shiva, the Creator, Govinda, etc.), it is by relinquish control - a symbolic death of the ego - and find a new faith in yourself, others and God, that is the most immediate and pervasive healing solution to cure the suffering of the wounded healers.Rebirth of authentic SelfIt takes great courage and inner strength of the wounded healer to track her challenging past history to alchemically transform it into a source of self-knowledge, faith and wisdom. As an ointment that heals wounds, but leaves a scar, the wounded healer is scarring their previous personal history that can be retold to inspire and heal others. This past personal story gives the wounded healer their unique healing skills to empathetically understand and feel the fear, pain and suffering of others. Through their exchange of traumatic experiences, they can help others transform their pain and suffering in faith yourself, others and God. Love and faith in God can be completely and miraculously heal the wounded herself in an instant. So, without scar tissue, would the wounded healer be another type of doctor perhaps.The Abundance and joy After Dark Night of the Soul - wisdom through Experiential Knowledge Like the goddess Inanna, wounded healers internally strong enough to return from the Dark Night, bring back the knowledge and wisdom of their own vulnerability and the need for the victim. They learn how the cycles of life is a thread common to all of us. Through the emotional dark Worlds her heart open in compassion for all beings.After the Dark Night of the Soul the past becomes a part of their larger story about the eternal purpose of the soul. The past is understood as an important part of achieving universal lessons growing awareness and wisdom to survive through difficult situations, internal confusion and pain. The scar from the wound becomes a source of inspiration and empowerment. A new object is realized as wounded healers bring Divine Grace and glorious wonders of the universe.The gift ServiceWounded healers often work in service to others through their careers. Because they have experienced the death of their psyches, wounded healers have a unique ability to channel the fear of spiritual wisdom, combined with their own humanity and the unfolding life story and through his passionate personal stories. They have the ability to go beyond the mind and perceive life as a gift of evolutionary growth. They also get discernment and wisdom to select a conscious life of power and purpose. Wounded healers power of their own healing path are mystics who have traveled emotional dark Worlds of human suffering and survived to tell others what a beautiful blessing life is.
Time...IT'S NOW POIGNANT...2019..
ONTO January 2020..
Clean that inner "house!"

I can assist you...
I offer Holistic Self Hypnosis sessions. ..that guides YOU on a pathway of liberated vision.
Clean your ancestral "house! "