November 21-2016...Fire Sign Sagittarius begins..

Sagittarius is the 9th sign of our Western Zodiac's colors of healing are Turquoise / Orange & Deep Purple.
Opposite sign to Gemini..
Squares signs Pisces & Virgo..
Sagittarius represents our quest for Higher Spiritual Truth that can assist us in this life's challenges .

Saturn is currently transiting sign Sagittarius so as the Solar transit happens we become more in tune with our psychological & soul based strengths.
Jupiter in Libra further amplifies our potential for our ability to receive omens
.visions..dream symbols..& wonders...
Uranus in Aries { Revolutionary instigations}
certainly triggers our sense of liberty protocols!
The United States is a Cancerian Sun sign..but remember that motto -"Don't tread on me!"
The second half of November 2016 easily ignites our "stand & fight" beliefs .
We will fully embrace our cultural customs as well as our codes of FREEDOM.
Time to fully embrace right ethical behaviors or pay a huge price!