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Eclipse Across America

The historic August 20-21st TOTAL SOLAR LEO ECLIPSE will span only across America..coast to coast over the 21st of August -various time zones ; @28degrees of LEO. 

The U.S.A. Birth horoscope has been a debate amongst Astrologers for decades!

I personally feel the Sagittarius Ascendant fits for our nation...

We value our freedom...our

 "Don't tread on me" motto although we interfere ( for humanitarian OR greed driven secret agendas ) in a host of foreign affairs!

Very Sagittarius rising..& Aquarius moon type of clarion calls to action!

The Dual August eclipses hit the American horoscope chart both times as the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius -Sun Leo / Full Moon eclipse Aquarius over August 6-7th @15 degrees impacts directly onto the emotional pulse of the people!

The strongest point of this Great North American eclipse path will be the "Hartland" of Illinois area; Leo rules the HEART Chakra center in medical Astrology-This Total Solar event is also in conjunction with the constellation of "REGULUS" The HEART of the lion!!!

Hartland of America...Leo rules the perfect sync with galactic star Regulus....

Heart wisdom or broken hearted.

It will also be in opposition to our Presidents Rising sign & his natal Mars in Leo!

Uprisings...revolutionary events may suddenly prompt a more severe response from our nation's governing coalitions! 

With a Lunar Eclipse joining this country's own birth position moon sign..& 2 weeks later over August 20-21st the historic Solar Leo eclipse igniting the region of our nation's "sense of values" the results are bound to both incite a "Call to action" as well as the citizens demands for defending core proprietary regulations and "rights!"

This Solar LEO / LION / ROYALTY eclipse is one of targets Rulers..Leaders Kings..Queens ...even Dictators!!!!!

Big world news will occur between August of 2017 & February 2018 as these eclipses connect!

August 2017 not only features a HIGH TIDE of fate due to these two eclipses,  but planetary agent of communications& travel -Mercury will turn retrograde on August 12th for the 3rd time this year in sign Virgo..

"Missed" or "Mixed" messages occur.

Confusion vs. Deliberate declarations of warring actions can erupt during mid-August!

Travel wisely!!!

Be true to those gut level instincts involving ANY "suspect" behaviors or people!

Mystical speaking...

Eclipses "SHADOW" the light...

Darkness occurs...

The Ancient Magi..Royal Astrologers KNEW that where the path of an eclipse therefore will be Destiny's exclamation points!!!!

Impact location of this August Total Solar North American is from Oregon toward our Eastern Coast of South Carolina.

It will be visible across the entire continental United States!

This specific Solar eclipse has not occurred in 99 years! the early part of August the Full Moon eclipse in Aquarius ( revolutionary changes) opposes zodiac sign LEO the Lion.. ( Powers that be....authority ..command centers...pride vs. arrogance)

Leo is the zodiac sign RULED over by our great Galactic Star...our Sun!

Any Solar Eclipse in Leo IS the most powerful agent of change..and solar eclipses have an effect of changes that last for a year!

August 2017 into August 2018!

Plus..this Solar eclipse falls on the constellation of Regulus...28 degrees..the Lions chest / heart area. 

Leo rules the heart in medical astrology eclipse in conjunction with that constellation means WE ALL better pay very respectful attention to our hearts needs..both personally & nutrionally!

This eclipse message is NOT just a's also literal!

Aquarius is celestial energy toward humanitarian right action, Leo is that power..that hero called to defend it; or take down the enemy in the way of liberation!


akin to the Great Spirit EAGLE...both fierce warriors indeed!

The zodiac signs MOST affected by these August 2017 dual eclipses will be those of us with several planets in LEO & AQUARIUS,  also Taurus & Scorpio will experience personal life alterations..

However...ALL of us..wherever we have Leo located in our own celestial chart, will be the specific messages of radical change now blooming into 2018.

Leo is a fire element sign.planets in fire signs are most favorably energized now to allow needed partnership changes-

Aries & Sagittarius seek positive resolves.

Uranus is transiting Aries & Saturn in Sagittarius both help these fire signs to upgrade emotional concerns.

Virgo & Pisces signs are in a most personal psychological and spiritual metamorphosis through 2018!

What must end ...WILL!

The main theme is HOW your sign accepts the fated "farewell."

Health concerns could need a more proactive approach for you Leo's & Capricorns.

Nutrition is only one factor of holistic upgraded living..better attend to your troubled spiritual issues.

Where are you avoiding or allowing debilitating emotional issues???!!

Both internally & in your current significant partnerships!

The old saying-

"Somethings GOT TO GIVE",  NOW WILL!!

There has never been a more powerful time for YOU to have your personal star map looked into by a qualified seasoned Astrologer like myself. .over 30 years of client & media experience certainly warrants the investment vs. a "newbie" Internet "advisor!"

Invest in your own well being, our birth chart star map is the external guide to this incarnation!

It's our GALAXY Signature. .a portrait of the Heavens above as we arrived here on Earth; it's TIME to learn MORE about the inner workings ..your inner universe!


Metaphysical Astrologer

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