Oracle Tarot visuals
"Choice Cycle "- Will you opt for the hard way or the easy way?
August 2017 brings each of us a type of "Karmic Report card," time to face some of those private fear factors is now!

Our new 18 month long Eclipse series accenting signs of LEO & AQUARIUS triggers all of our charts..different places set to bloom out in specific ways depending on your sign & birth chart area they will touch into.

Authentic Self Awareness & Courage
LEO...5th Zodiac sign ruling creative fire..
Our heart....desires...and the courage it takes to heal our inner child or even protect a child in need!
Strength card # 8..Fierce Faith to stand up for what is RIGHT..
Mighty Defense of the innocent!

Leo -Oracle Card #8 -Strength

Aquarius card -# 17 -The Star
August featured two eclipses!
Our August 7-8th - the Full Moon eclipse
featured energy waves of celestial sign
Aquarius....our 11th Air element sign rules our brains..thoughts. .psychological transformations in this life.
Our involvements with the humanitarian collective.
Revolutionary inventiveness!
As Above..So Below..
Transmutation Magic..
Alchemy of self awakening is NOW.
Eclipses REVEAL our authentic self..
Often through drastic emotional eruptions in areas where we have been avoiding facing important truths.
Where have you been holding back allowing your TRUE SELF. .your own needs or desires to be expressed?
Now that GIFT of courage arrives.
Why are you holding back?
First..to thine own self..be true.
No partnership is worth your constant self sacrifice..it takes two to bask in love!
Time now to have acute honesty.
Are you really happy- or more frightened of change?

Strength comes in many forms..
It is often summoned after fear or darkness times in our life journey.
Too often..one "gives their power away,"
that whole moment can be crashed if that lover or a key family member criticizes or finds fault with them.
My early First Nations Indian teachers guided me very well in this discovery of "honoring self!"
Claim your self majesty..their is only one unique you this go around.
Know that your energy signature holds value, & it's not up to ANY MORTAL to control or condemn you personally.
Only YOU can allow how others get to treat you!
Wise up!
Our 2017 Epic Eclipses are here to slap us into a more empowered mindset..to listen to our HEARTS LONGINGS!
Leo rules the Heart Chakra Center...

"Whole-HEARTED "expressions
Heroes of compassion in action.
Trusting your own emotional needs..& not hiding your insecurity behind a false faced mask of "acting entitled" grabbing onto compliments or constantly needing another's "applause" or praise!
Validate & analyze your own intentions or behaviors!
You KNOW if you are caught up in "selfie"
ego driven modes!

These various Tarot Art visuals show how our Celestial Alignment factors- like Full Moons & Eclipses assist from the
"Above realms " / Divine Guide Source energies how better we here on Earth below can reboot or re-invent our personal circumstances!
Oh..and trust me!!!!
These enigmatic eclipses WILL eradicate or erupt darkness..inappropriate behaviors or evil doing areas .

The ARCHANGELS of Empowered Light
The Almighty I Am Army is HERE NOW!
Summon the Glory of Light right into your cellular beingness!
"Almighty I Am Forces..Now..Imbue me!"
Do it!
It's time!
Call forth your Armor of Empowered Light.

Holy Ghost. .
Great Spirit. .
Creator of Love & Hallowed Light..
I bow to your Grace in all aspects of this life.
Go over to YouTube
"Mysteries of Love"
By: Jules Cruise
Be empowered by healing holistic sounds.

I offer very insightful clairvoyant / oracle energy readings by personal appointment.
August 2017 into November is SUCH a rich cycle of your evolvement!
Scheduling a clairvoyant analysis of your current frequencies...
It's time!
Life changing SEEDS OF AWAKENING. .
Healing holistically are nigh.
My decades of mystical / intuitive skills can help you "SEE" clear.
Get yourself unlocked emotionally..mentally...stop that shame / blame game!

Clearing & cleansing your inner universe is very vital concerning your overall wellness!
Whole-hearted / Wholistic / Holy!
It's all interconnected.
It's time...
Lighten your heavy load!
I mean..you've been struggling to solve this issue your own self for how long now?
Perhaps..you are blinded by that "too close to the issue " subjective status???
These cosmic eclipses will SLAP that DENIAL mode right out of you!
Gain insights...allow intuitive counsel & soul therapy to assist you.
Choice = Consequences.

Mystic Mary
Abundant Sacred Light upon you..now!
In all Ways!!!