September 2017..Number analysis
Mystic Mary -Number meanings.
The science & energies of numbers!
In Numerology ...yearly..monthly digits are reduced to a single number.
At my recent live Eclipse / Autumn celestial forecast lecture..I explained the number vibrations of September 2017.
First you reduce 2017 to a single digit number.
2+0+1+7 = 10..1+0 = 1
2017 is therefore a "1" vibration year.
The number one is always about
FRESH STARTS..NEW BEGINNINGS..OFF with the old..stagnant..limitations!
Time to forge that new path!
We each are starting brighter..stronger opportunities in 2017!
Now that we know the entire 2017 year is a number 1... ( the numerology years begin with 1 and complete with 9..)
And yes, there ARE Master Vibrations of certain "11" "22" etc.
So then ..each month has a number also-
September is the 9th month in our 12 month annual cycle.
We add the "1" of our 2017 year to the "9" of September & get 9 +1 = 10..
Reduce that 10 to a single digit of "1."
September becomes a ONE ..
The days of September 9 / 18 / & 27 WILL BE the most intense vibrations of the entire month.
We each must LET GO of that which NO LONGER serves our higher good!
Be it or things!!!
Seek to be creative about HOW you can reinvent your life NOW.
Life sends STORMS at times to show us MANY Insights regarding HOW ATTACHED to this material world one can get!
September of 2017 is the month of REVELATIONS. ..TRULY!
Be ready to SEE!!!
Mystic Mary