The "Thunder Moon" Aquarius Lunar eclipse. ..4 degrees..
The "Longest / Closest / Strongest "
Total Blood Moon Lunar eclipse in over a century!

This is a DIVINE FREQUENCY upgrade event..
What needs to leave our life..will.

Signs Leo /Aquarius /Taurus /Scorpio
Will be MOST impacted over the next 6 months...July -January..
Fate & Destiny have a date!

Set deliberate affirmations..
Deliver generosity. .kind deeds
Leo is ALL ABOUT paying it forward!!♡

Eclipses of the Moon bring forth news regarding women's issues..famous females...current matters needing to be changed...
A famous woman will make the news on the world stage before 2019.


Blood Moon / Closest to our Earth
Ceremonies for clearing negativity..raising up your health...emotional wellness are now favored.
Do it..
Take care OF YOU.