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Live podcast 1-29 Aquarius ♒️ energies !

Writer's picture: Rev. psychicRev. psychic

Updated: 4 days ago

January 29th..SET THE DATE / TIME!

10pm-Midnight Eastern time

YouTube Channel

Lighting the void radio !

Celestial Weather forecast 2025☆♡☆

Aquarius is in the spotlight now in ALL our charts !

Find this sign 《 Aquarius ♒️ 》& Leo ♌️

the houses..the planets in these two New Moon 🌚 signs!!!

That's where the action occurs for ALL of US now!!!

Snake 🐍 Chinese Zodiac year as of January 29th Lunation

Aquarius energies

First New Moon 🌚 that is empowered by Master transformation agent


Both Pluto ( ruler of Scorpio)

All that resides deeply within us , secrets- intentions - desires- agendas; now gets both exposed & accelerated!

What one strongly believes..gets activated!

Neptune / Saturn both in Pisces ♓️ invoke our Sacred Divine Source Guides messages as they are ignited by Venus in Pisces ♓️-Mars Rx in Cancer ♋️

These water sign boosts of intuition assist our path success !


North Node Pisces is our course correction compass!!!

If it "Feels wrong / it is !"

Stop 2nd guessing your first instincts !

Even if it is your family members behaviors or your partners actions !!!!

Talk it out! GO DEEPER ; what is causing the lash outs or inappropriate actions??

Get to the deeper cause!

Before it gets any worse, any bigger!!!

Time to SHED your own complacency !

Stop allowing self defeating behaviors by forging new healthier habits.

It WILL & DOES take dedicated discipline..daily !

The better version of yourself needs to stop carrying the weights of your past !

Aquarius energies are BOLD!

Off with the old tired frustrating dynamics of STAGNATION.

Activate your best versions of this life - your chosen sets of behavioral advancements!

Level Up ..stop wasting time with that incessant complaining or constantly talking about your fears; take that energy & shape shift it into the courage to overcome ..right here & now !

We are always changing !

Choose the best options .

New Moon broadcast ✨️ Cosmic Conditions forecast themes is January 29th..

10pm-Midnight Eastern time YouTube Channel

Lighting the void radio

Can you summon the discipline needed ???!!

Make that wish !!!

You "might " even discover YOU are the Genie ..manifesting wishes !!

Pluto is now full force in Air / Intuitive sign of Aquarius ♒️-it's a portal opening of magnitude..gratitude attitudes.

As we DETERMINE to AMPLIFY our daily thankfulness choices & behaviors; Sacred Source Presence can active !

1/29/25 Aquarius New Moon: The Mind's Role in Shaping Reality

Aquarius is an air sign, which involves the transpersonal and the social/cultural milieu, all influenced by how we manage the content of the mind. It is the quality and nature of our thoughts which creates not only external reality, but our inner relation to it all. The New Moon coming is an examination of how we use this most potent tool.

The South Node (now in) Virgo points to lessons of understanding and application. Mercury (the mind) will be the key planet for this passage, and it currently is conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. As always, Pluto involves a death/rebirth transformation, and here it involves the thinking function.

The mind is a tool to figure things out, to spell and do arithmetic, perceive clearly and make educated judgements -- matters at the personality level. Here, the mind connects to the heart and ego, often ruminating and judging, stewing about our predicaments, issues and wounds. It can be pulled into dark thinking patterns (Mercury/Pluto), even creating an inner torture chamber. Through the projection of the solar radiance (Sun), this content influences how the outside world is evaluated and experienced. What if Hell is not a location, but a state of mind?

"Oh, I'm just being realistic" the mind says, not wanting to be pollyannaish and naive, "we need to take things seriously." And yet, we can do so without creating suffering or forecasting negativity and doom. In my experience, it is one of the most common patterns in humans - crippling pessimism, doubt and life's a bitch and then you die.

You know where I'm going. You know that the Pisces North Node (conjunct Venus and Neptune) invites resolution through a far different way of being. To get here, one must relax any tendency to eye-roll about "New Age" airy fairy unicorns and rainbows, and open to the authentic validity of mystical, magical Pisces. Everyone has had fantastic dreams that inspire us. We all have felt a vision of what could be. We all have had dramatic moments when all of the sudden we feel energized. Like Rocky Balboa, we run up those stairs and pump our fists in the air because we believe in ourselves. It is possible.

The work is to find distance and spaciousness (Aquarius) from dark thoughts, to observe the mind and not believe it. Even more, to send it love and compassion, for it's been wounded by the world. The lesson of meditation and contemplation is not to shut off the mind, but to shift our relationship to it. By so doing, it returns to just being a tool, not something that perpetuates suffering. The more we are able to do this, the more we have increased energy to do our spiritual calling, and contribute to creating Heaven on earth (instead of Hell in our minds). That is the lesson and challenge before us.

Aquarius is a Zodiac sign..

( The 11th one )-that features the archtypes of an Inventor / a Rebel WITH a Cause !!!

Robin Hood / Star Wars / Space Force characteristics ..the Mad Scientist or the passionate Humanitarian!

Indigenous perspective..other worldly cultures core beliefs..that although ancient ..We STILL CAN BENEFIT ftom our Ancestoral wisdoms ! expert suggestion??

stop getting STUCK..TRAPPED in Just our current societal "influencers !!"

Focus on YOUR SPIRITUAL Anchors..that which is a "Win -Win" scenario!

All for one..One for ALL!

Good !

Mystic Mary

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January 29th / 10pm Eastern time YouTube Channel

Lighting the void radio

The Celestial Weather forecast for our January 29th into February 20th, 2025 timeline !

All 12 signs

Plus ..2nd hour..we take audience calls for your Mtn.Mystic..Star Seer .. to give psychic insights readings !

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