Excellent for CLEANING up..Clearing out CLUTTER!
Look around your room..IS it organized..fresh???
Better start appreciating what you have!
Respect it by cleaning..Virgo says..get moving !
Stop procrastination.
Pisces is the opposite / polarity sign to Virgo ♍️..Both these signs are Destined for service compassion for service upon others less fortunate..ASK..where YOU might do more..a contribution towards humanity; locally in your community !!!
If you aren't..consider..improving it.
Spring Equinox is March 20th..Aries begins our TRUE NEW YEAR 2022..
VIRGO FULL MOON ..Keep the focus on your health & wellness..
Ask of yourself ..am I surrendering to any addictions at this point in my life walk?
Does that "pill"..that " alcohol " ..create a false sense of escapism??
A synthetic "mood" of peace ??
Now attempt the same without the prescription...without the "substance !"
Our annual Virgo Full Moon 🌝..
Reveals WHERE / WHAT we need to organize ..clear ..cleanse..our own deep subconscious realms..
Mystic Mary
Be Blessed..
Allow Great Mystery to imbue..
Faith..IS A FUEL.
Discipleship requires dedication.

Be Blessed.
In all ways !
Mystic Mary
Next live audience broadcast will be March 31st.
Midnight Eastern 9PM Pacific