Monthly Live Broadcast Forecasts @ New Moon cycles.
Sun..🌙 Moon..Mercury..Venus ..North node..Mutable Air transits ♊ Gemini ♊
Mars..Neptune Mutable water Pisces ♓
Potent Revelatory Messages arriving..
Major exposure of falsehood purveyors!
The #eclipses that were launched in January of 2020..
Ignites our true Soul Direction / Vision Quests as Summer opens..
June 5th Sagittarius ♐ Lunar Ecipse
Summer Solstice Eclipse of the Sun 🌞
In Water element Cancer ♋ the Crab 🦀
July 5th Eclipse of the Moon 🌙 Capricorn
2020...Our EPIC Times of Sacred Ways to be.
There is ...A war on for your soul..& mind..
So much dis-information!
Where to turn..what to do?
Dive DEEPER into Soul / Spirit studies & feelings !
Embrace disciplines of holistic harmony !
Meditation..Music..Metaphysical teachings.
Come to KNOW..& Call forth Angels !
Mystic Mary
Holistic Mystical Consults