Friday June 21st Celestial Solstice Day!

Our Dual July eclipses energies are ACTIVE !

July -1 & 2nd ..New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Water Sign of Cancer the ocean crab!
Brings to life..
"There's NO PLACE like Home!"
We are seeking life purpose "answers!"

These next two months..July / August AMPLIFY EMOTIONS. .
As well as VERY CLEAR insights of WHERE WE NEED TO CLEAR AWAY our former crippling fractures in our psyche..our Aura..
Time for SERIOUS demonic rebuking!!!
I'm serious. ..
Purge....find out HOW to specifically CLEAR OUT your past pains.
You've carried the weight of this karmic residue TOO LONG NOW.
Cut the emotional cords..psychic knots ..quickly!!!

Our June 21st Solstice ( "Sun stands Still")
Portal opening..the MEDICINE WHEEL direction of SOUTH..ignites.
Always a great cycle to check in with your inner child your innermost child happy??
If not. .find out Why!!
Discover HOW to cleanse the dross!!

Mars is in tandem with our New Moon / Eclipse in water sign Cancer!
( Enter.."The Feels!)
Mars enters Leo July 1st..Our wild untamed self roars to explore!

I'll be LIVE ..ON AIR..interpreting these dual
eclipses..of July 2019!!
Join me.
Mystic Mary