- Relax. Place your hand on your heart, feel your heartbeat. Say 'I love you', whether silently or out loud, to your heart. Think of how it's been helping keep you alive, since before you were even born <3 Repeat these 'I love you's' for at least a minute or two, and each time say it more meaningfully and endearing. Love whatever arises within you, rather than perhaps rejecting or denying aspects of yourself, embrace them. Don't run from them as this is how they persist; by being resisted. Acknowledge your inner child and realize that when you act "up" or act "out".. it is merely your inner child crying out for your love and attention.
- Practice moments of gratitude throughout your day. Even during times such as when you're stressed, take a moment and think of all that you're grateful for. Express your gratitude out loud, to the Universe... "I am grateful for ______" or, "Thank you for ______". Make this a habit.. you can even make a list each day of at least 10 things that you're grateful for.
- Rewrite your subconscious mind, through repetition, by repeating to yourself words of a high vibration or the words that you wish others would say to you the most.
- Exercise. Running, jogging, playing a sport of some kind. Go out in Nature.. explore like a child that was just born and knows nothing but what it sees. Paint, draw, write poetry or express yourself in whatever way you wish. Express the unique gem that you are and share your gifts with the world. Consider practicing sungazing as often as you are able to... recommended first 15 minutes of sunrise and 15 minutes prior to sunset for beginners. Research sungazing for further info or tips.
- Practice conscious breathing throughout your day. Notice how often you are unaware of your breath during the day, and thus are being breathed, rather than you consciously breathing. Catch yourself doing so, and take slow, deep conscious inhales through the nose, hold for a second or two, then slow gradual exhale out of your mouth. You came into this life with a breath, and you will leave with one. Combine "birth" and "death" and you basically get the word "breath". The breath affects our emotions as well as our thoughts.
- Respond to the callings arising from within, whatever they may be. Whether that is to go read a book, take pictures, help someone out.. anything. Honor it.
- Cut ties with those in your life that seem to be 'energy vampires' or are toxic to your well-being. Part of loving yourself is self-respect, creating boundaries. Spend your energy on, or surround yourself with those whom uplift and inspire you.
- Switch up your routine. Rather than living such a structured existence, return to your natural way of living spontaneously.
- Go within. Close your eyes and meditate; Be the Breath. Through dedicated practice, the chatter of the mind naturally subsides. Use meditation music or even binaural beats on youtube to assist.
- Read books. Following the feelings of excitement that you get, they are guidance from your higher Self. Explore the teachings from teachers whose offerings deeply resonate with you. Follow the guidance of synchronicities.
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day, perhaps more than you may already. Give up eating processed foods, and even meat if you haven't already and you're feeling called to or are ready to make that change.
- When others say mean, hurtful, or disrespectful things to you, realize that they're speaking to their experience of you, not actually to you yourself, and when words as such are said, say silently to yourself words of the opposite vibration or the words that you wish others would say to you more. Perhaps 'I love you', or 'thank you.' And if you do things for others and they don't say thank you, say it to yourself.
- Compliment yourself daily. Look at all the things you have done and are doing right. Embrace the totality of who you are.. see all as equal expressions of the whole, even the negative parts that you may not like or wish weren't so. Honor them; perhaps they persist because they've been rejected rather than accepted. Compliment others as well, and see that each Soul is playing a unique role just as important as that of any other Soul.
Our July 3rd into July 25th
Sirius dog star 🌟 "portal"
A Sacred vortex of Divine Healing light codes available for deeper emotional healing is worth ✨️ taking time to "allow".
You HAVE to know..within your private "Inner -Verse" that you..this life..your gifts are..Valuable .
In short..Know ..your WORTH !
Stop letting other people / outer circumstances to be what defines it !!!!
Level Up..
Instead of repetitive "Emotional hiccups " breathe in harmony!
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces ♓️ -
This is inner wellness work !
Gratitude 🙏..calling our imagination to be creativity active in Divine ways.
"I am NOT allowing delusional modes to control me "..I walk with Holy Source !
Cancer ♋️ Sun sign..New Moon 🌙 over July 5th -8th..
Raises the bar psychologically..
Be a part of personal reform.
Some additional private time..self study..soul based solitude can empower!
Mystic Mary