On The Energies
Venus enters Libra today. This brings a nice shift. It will stay here until Sep 22nd. Relationships are about to take on a more harmonious, romantic tone. You will notice that relationships begin to flourish. You’ll find yourself wanting to spend more one on one time with your person. Today also brings us an opposition between Neptune Retrograde and Venus. This opposition starts today and lasts through the end of the week. Neptune energy is all about tapping into your dreams. Venus ruled over love and your finances. Expect major shifts in these areas. Right after moving into Libra, Venus will form a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, which cranks up the intensity within relationships. Expect your feelings to be amplified. Today brings us a 6 Planet alignment. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn are all in alignment. That makes this a great time for manifesting your dreams and desires. This parade of planets is a great time to be putting your goals into action. Mercury has shifted direct. However, we are in the post shadow period until September. That means the frustrations, delays, obstacles and exhaustion will continue. This time brings us more clarity though on the themes that came up while it was Retrograde and what you’re currently working on.
It's been a brutal week, no denying that. If you're feeling like the ground beneath you is still a bit unstable, brace yourself—there’s more to come. We're not out of the woods yet. With retrograde MERCURY and URANUS both getting ready to shift gears, expect some dramatic shake-ups in the next couple of weeks. These planetary pivots will keep you on your toes, and trust me, you won’t be thinking the same way by the end of it.
Expect wild mood swings—one minute, you're riding high, the next, you're shot down in the dumps, thanks to that damn Jupiter square Saturn. Don't get too comfortable because your mental state is going to be all over the place. Just keep your wits about you; the rollercoaster ride ain't over yet...

Our next New Moon 🌚 Virgo ♍️
Podcast is September 2nd
10pm Eastern time thru Midnight!
YouTube Channel
Lighting the void radio ..
2 hours of both Astrological Analysis
& Live callers from our listening 🎶 audience !!!
Our DUAL ECLIPSES commence this September!!!
First ..our ♓️ 🐟 ♓️ Pisces Supermoon Full Moon ..September 17th / 18th.
Our Autumn 🍂 ❤️ of love Eclipse ❤️ during early October....
Spooky 👻 kisses 💋 😘 ahead !